• Optimize
  • External Feedback

Getting External Feedback

Getting feedback from others is an important step in creating an effective resume. In this section, we will discuss some strategies for getting external feedback on your resume.

Why External Feedback is Valuable

External feedback can be valuable because it can provide perspectives and insights that you may not have considered. Friends and family members, and members of online communities, may have different backgrounds and experiences than you, which can give them unique perspectives on your resume.

Additionally, getting feedback from others can help identify mistakes or areas for improvement that you may have missed. This can help you create a stronger and more effective resume, and increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.

Share with Friends and Family

Share your resume with friends and family members and ask them to proofread it for grammar and typos. Also, share the job post you are applying for, and ask them to provide feedback as if they were the recruiter for the job. This can help you get a sense of how your resume will be perceived by the recruiter, and can give you valuable insights into what to improve.

Share on Online Communities

Another way to get feedback on your resume is to share it on online communities, such as forums, subreddits, or Discord groups. Many of these communities have dedicated channels for resume feedback, where other members can provide feedback and advice on your resume.

Final Review

After receiving feedback from friends and family, and from online communities, it is important to carefully review your resume before submitting it. Make any necessary changes based on the feedback you received, and proofread your resume one more time to ensure that it is error-free.

If you have followed all of the advice in this book so far, your resume should be in great shape and you are ready to apply for your dream job. Good luck!

Last updated on December 13, 2022