• Write
  • Summary


While a summary is not the most important part of a resume, it can be a useful way to highlight your accomplishments and qualifications that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. A summary should be brief, no more than a few sentences long, and should provide a concise overview of your most relevant skills and experience.

When to Include a Summary

In general, a summary is most useful when you have a significant amount of relevant experience and accomplishments that you want to highlight in your resume. If you are a recent graduate or have limited experience, a summary may not be necessary, as your education and work experience sections will already provide enough information about your qualifications. If you aren't sure the summary is adding value, remove it.

How to Write an Effective Summary

When writing a summary for your resume, it's important to keep a few key points in mind:

  • Keep it brief: A summary should be no more than a few sentences long, and should provide a concise overview of your most relevant qualifications and experience.

  • Focus on the most relevant information: In your summary, highlight the skills, qualifications, and experience that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. This will help to catch the attention of potential employers and show that you're a good fit for the position.

  • Use keywords and industry-specific terms: To make your summary more effective, use keywords and terms that are commonly used in your industry. This will help to show that you are familiar with the industry and its terminology, and will make it easier for potential employers to find your resume.

  • Avoid cliches and overused phrases: To make your summary stand out, avoid using cliches and overused phrases, such as "results-oriented" or "team player." Instead, use specific examples and achievements to demonstrate your skills and experience.

Examples of Effective Summaries

Here are some examples of effective summaries that you can use as a model for your own resume:

Software engineer with 5+ years of experience. Skilled in Java, Python, and AWS. Achieved a 99th percentile score on the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam.

Software engineer with experience in machine learning and cloud computing. Increased customer engagement by 15% with a machine learning model. Strong problem-solving skills and a keen interest in emerging technologies.

Full-stack software engineer with a passion for developing user-friendly web applications. Skilled in React, Node.js, and AWS. Created a web app with 99.99% uptime, processing over 1 million transactions per month.

As you can see, these examples provide a clear and concise overview of the applicant's most relevant qualifications and experience, and show why they are a good fit for the job they're applying for. By including concrete accomplishments and numbers, these summaries are more likely to catch the attention of potential employers and help to demonstrate the applicant's value and potential.

Last updated on December 13, 2022